Hard drive or SSD

Hard drive or SSD?

it has been storing Windows for years, then you added your photos, videos, put programs, updates ...
We have sometimes complained about the slowness of the computer. And the hard disk is sometimes partly responsible, bad choice of the disk or premature wear. This is about to change ...

If the hard drive has been around for a long time, for a few years, a new storage medium has just appeared, the SSD, the equivalent of the hard drive but entirely electronic. It could eventually take its place ...

Hard drive: advantages and disadvantages

for the capacity:
the hard drive can now store up to 14tb of data, when the ssd only goes up to 2 or 4tb ...

for the price:
At the same price, the hard drive keeps the advantage, you will have 2 to 3 more gigabytes of storage.

- for performance:
Even the best hard drive does not achieve the performance of an average SSD, the cause is mechanical, while a fully electronic SSD explodes speeds and boosts performance in an unmatched way.

- for consumption:
the hard drive consumes 2-3 W more, for a fixed pc it is negligible, for a laptop, you will gain autonomy ...

SSD: advantages and disadvantages

for speed:
Unparalleled, you start Windows in 15 sec instead of 40-50sec previously. And the responsiveness of the computer is second to none.

for scalability:
Even expensive ssd will boost your computer even if it is 7 or 8 years old. Indeed it keeps the same interface as the hard drive and therefore replace it without problem.

for robustness:
SSDs are generally guaranteed for 2 to 5 years, moreover they are not mechanical, so if your laptop is dropped, it will be much less sensitive to shocks. And another advantage, they don't make any noise!

- for the price / capacity ratio:

For the price does not work in their favor, if you have a lot of stuff to store. This is why the ideal is to combine the 2, an SSD for Windows for the speed of the system and a hard drive in addition for storage

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