for speed:
Unparalleled, you start Windows in 15 sec instead of 40-50sec previously. And the responsiveness of the computer is second to none.
for scalability:
Even expensive ssd will boost your computer even if it is 7 or 8 years old. Indeed it keeps the same interface as the hard drive and therefore replace it without problem.
for robustness:
SSDs are generally guaranteed for 2 to 5 years, moreover they are not mechanical, so if your laptop is dropped, it will be much less sensitive to shocks. And another advantage, they don't make any noise!
for the price / capacity ratio:
For the price does not work in their favor, if you have a lot of stuff to store. This is why the ideal is to combine the 2, an SSD for Windows for the speed of the system and a hard drive in addition for storage